Play it on: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Windows (Steam Deck OK)
Current goal: Shoot more Nazis from the shadows
Maintaining silence, exercising patience, keeping your wits about you at every turn as you try and plan several steps ahead—that’s the vibe I so love about stealth games and immersive sims. Sniper Elite is definitely more of a stealth game than an im sim for sure, but thus far I have found its contained, focused mission objectives to be a wonderful little challenge of staying hidden while lining up perfect shots.
And if you’re like me, you might not have thought much about this long-running franchise in the past. But after hearing that stealth plays a prominent role, and given my hunger for a great, linear stealth game that focuses on completing concrete objectives with specific constraints and risks of death (Hitman doesn’t do that for me, sadly), I had to give the latest release a try. And oh my god, am I glad that I did. The game’s title does not convey just how delightfully sneaky Resistance can be.
Sure, the gory glory kills which see the camera follow your bullet into specific organs of your enemies are fun (you can adjust how often the game shows them, and even toggle them off entirely if you wish), but the emphasis that element gets in marketing might make you think that’s all the game has to offer. Dash those thoughts. After playing the game for a few hours recently with the difficulty ramped all the way up, I’m happy to report that Sniper Elite offers a great, somewhat old-school stealth experience in which the more you stay out of sight, the easier your life will be.
To be clear, the game sometimes feels a little rough around the edges. There are some wonky animations here and there, the protagonist chats a bit too much for my taste, and I wish I could vault over waist-high barriers more consistently. But the core stealth experience, which is satisfyingly heightened by more intense difficulty options, really tickles the brain of this stealth fan. Enemies have a more realistic, and punishing, field of view. Death is swift and punishing. There are multiple ways you can tackle an objective despite the broader linear structure of the levels. It reminds me of stealth titles of yesteryear that I used to burn hours away on.
Sure, it ain’t no vintage Splinter Cell or pre-Snake Eater Metal Gear, but if you’re looking for a test of how quiet and invisible you can be, Sniper Elite: Resistance is well worth checking out. It also runs wonderfully well on Steam Deck! — Claire Jackson
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