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Cyberpunk 2077’s new patch arrives the day after I finally finished the game, and of course it fixes the one late-game bug that really annoyed me

I finally finished Cyberpunk 2077 last night, and so today’s 2.21 patch is just a wee little bit annoying because CD Projekt has finally fixed a small but irritating bug in the Phantom Liberty expansion that forced me into a fight I really didn’t want.

Minor spoiler follows, so skip this bit and scroll straight down the patch notes if you’re concerned about such things. The bug occurs fairly late into Phantom Liberty, when V dresses up as a notorious Cuban hitman for a little tête-à-tête with an NPC. You can talk it out or shoot it out—but talking it out exposes you to a bug that prevents you from changing out of the disguise at the end of the encounter. Worse, the game refuses to let you leave the area until you do, so you’re stuck in a grungy back alley until the end of time. It’s a fairly common bug, going by the number of complaints on Reddit and elsewhere, and the only surefire workaround is to load an older save and start blasting.

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