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Civilization 7 PC performance analysis: Playable on lots of systems but the late game will grind down whatever CPU you have

With each new Civilization release, fans of previous versions have taken polarising views of the changes made and it will be no different with this one. However, what might tip opinions in a particular direction is how well it runs and, to cut to the chase immediately, it’s not brilliant. It’s not terrible either, but depending on the hardware you have in your gaming PC, Civilization 7 could be smooth and trouble-free, or something of a grindfest.

Benchmarking games like Civilization is somewhat tricky, though. While it’s easy to record frame rates, that’s only one aspect of how well the game runs. A strategy game that can produce 60 frames per second is all well and good, but not if it then takes several minutes to process the computer-controlled opponents during each turn.

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