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At peak popularity after last year’s customisable mums reveal, TennoCon 2025 tickets sold out in 35 minutes to the world’s Warframe and Soulframe lovers

I have a confession: I think I might like Warframe. Although in general I think of myself as a strict adherent to the singleplayer philosophy of Saint Moses of Scetis—to “sit in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything”—when it comes to videogames, I admit that’s been chipped away over the last couple of years. I have no idea what’s happening, every mission ends with me accruing about 37 different currencies, and my little guy looks like a band leader found themselves unexpectedly committed to a life of armed jihad. I think I love it?

Lots of other people seem to love it too, which must be why there have been nine TennoCons so far: events where Warframe fans and devs pile into a venue to mix, mingle, give updates, reveal things like last year’s customisable Soulframe mum announcement and collectively try to figure out what the hell Warframe is about, probably.

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