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"Thanks to The Dark Queen of Mortholme, I finally get why all those Soulslike bosses despised me so much—it puts you in the role of facing a relentless challenger who refuses to stay down."

It’s probably not the smartest approach, but I spend most of my time in Dark Souls games running from one boss to another, hitting my head against a wall until it finally clicks and I figure out a way to dodge their attacks and land my own. It’s not very pretty but I didn’t see much wrong with it, until I was on the other side of this strategy.

The Dark Queen of Mortholme sees you take the role of the fearsome eponymous boss, and wait around for some little nobody covered in rags to fight you again and again. Fighting this upstart for the first time in my boss room took as much effort as stepping on an ant, I only had to use one move on him, and the so-called Hero fell with no resistance. But as I headed back to my throne, I could hear the patter of footsteps approach my door once again: He was back.

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