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Saber Interactive’s CEO made a bold move to secure the Halo: Combat Evolved remaster, initially offering to do the project for free before eventually negotiating a multi-million dollar deal with Microsoft.

If you’ve ever wondered how Saber Interactive ended up handling the remaster of one of the biggest shooters of all time, well, Saber’s CEO Matthew Karch recently regaled journalist Stephen Totilo with the tale of landing the contract for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, and includes some of the most absurd business shenanigans I’ve read about for a long time.

Speaking to Totilo for his Game File newsletter (via VGC), Karch explained that, before Halo, Saber eked out a hand-to-mouth existence making games like Will Rock and Timeshift. Then chance intervened and Saber was invited to pitch for the Halo remaster. Karch opted for an absolutely bananas gambit, and essentially told Microsoft that Saber would do the remaster for free.

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