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Relic’s latest venture is a ‘compact indie-style’ game centered on a Martian invasion of Earth.

Earth vs Mars is a new RTS in development at Relic, but unlike the studio’s big Company of Heroes and Dawn of War games, this one is a “smaller indie-style” game being made under its Relic Labs label, which aims to “explore new sub-genres, experiment, get our creative juices going, and release games more frequently.”

The new game is a campy take on a familiar scenario: The Martians, having had enough of our nonsense, invade Earth with an overwhelming force of flying saucers, hover-tanks, and other such staples of classic sci-fi. Humanity’s only hope is the “Splice-O-Tron,” a technology that enables humanity’s leaders to combine “volunteers” with terrestrial animals to create supersoldiers that will fight alongside conventional military forces. But it may not be just human-animal hybrids on the table: The Steam page cites intriguing units like the airborne “cheetah-fly” and the “deadly squirrel-cow infantry.” I’m not really an RTS guy, but I definitely want to know more about that.

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