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D&D’s Latest Monster Manual is Stunning and Rich in Diversity—Yet Despite a Comprehensive System Overhaul, WoTC Continues to Burden DMs with Excessive Responsibilities

D&D has finally completed its initial wave of revamps with the 2024 Monster Manual—confusingly released in 2025, but I don’t make the rules—and, after a read through, I’m downright conflicted.

Being a recent PF2e convert, I’ve been quite grumpy about these new books (the Player’s Handbook in particular). As a point of personal opinion, I think the exercise of revamping the 2014 ruleset instead of doing something new is a mistake. Still, it’s what WoTC is doing, and I’ve been assessing these books on their merit. I even found a decent amount to like in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, which had more boons than banes between its pages.

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