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Ray tracing is rapidly becoming unavoidable, and I believe it’s time we finally accepted and adopted it.

Back in 2018, I remember sitting on my couch watching the RTX 20-series announcement on my then-decently powerful gaming laptop. Jen-Hsun took to the stage in a biker jacket, jokingly announced the release of the GTX 1180 (a pretty good gag), and then proceeded to blow my tiny little gaming mind. Proper ray-traced lighting for your gaming PC was finally here in the form of the Turing generation of GeForce graphics cards, and it felt like the future.

“This is a historic moment for computer graphics,” said the leather-jacketed one, and it felt like it. No longer would we, as gamers, be chained to a hodgepodge of traditional lighting techniques, thanks to the RT cores on the new cards. All our rays would in future be traced—meaning that each beam of light would be calculated, reflected, and diffused in real time, in ways that make games look much more realistic than they did previously. The long-awaited real-time ray tracing future was finally here.

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