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Inzoi is making a bold move to outshine The Sims 4 by including seasons in its base game, avoiding the need for DLC.

As has become Friday tradition leading up to the launch of the new life sim Inzoi, its creative director Hyungjun “Kjun” Kim has revealed some more features coming to the game at launch to fans on Discord. This time: Seasons. Oh, and the possibility of your Zois dying of exposure if underdressed.

“As we’ve mentioned before, inZOI allows you to experience a variety of weather conditions,” Kjun explains. “Recently, we’ve taken this further by implementing ‘seasons’ and ‘temperature’ effects in the game.”

Inzoi - two Zois standing together talking in a park where it's snowing

(Image credit: Krafton, Inzoi Studio)

Kjun explains that Inzoi’s urban Korean-inspired world “Dowon” will have four different seasons to emulate conditions there while its SoCal-inspired world “Bliss Bay” will be warmer all year round. It’s hard not to hear that and side-eye The Sims, where seasonal weather has always been part of an expansion pack, never the base game.

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