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Your Greatest Rival in Fable Could Be This Massive Poultry

Turn10’s upcoming Fable game has plenty of enemies for you to swing your sword at, from werewolves to a really big version of roving travel show host Richard Ayoade, but it looks like your greatest challenge might just be an incredibly angry chicken.

A giant chicken that is, as a recent Xbox Game Studios update video briefly showed the Fable protagonist taking on the John Wick of chickens. It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, but this rooster looks ready to throw down. Good luck trying to kick this feathery fiend.

Chickens have a long history in Fable, as way back in the original game, you could win a special hat in a chicken-kicking competition. In Fable 2, you could earn two chicken-related titles for kicking the birds a respectable distance, and Fable 3 had a chicken-themed suit that you could unlock and even a chance to earn some coin by gambling on chicken races.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time that the Fable games have toyed with the idea of rebellious poultry, as Fable 3 introduced a renegade chicken in its opening cinematic. That chicken would make a bid for freedom, successfully outrunning soldiers for a while, but it met its end when it ran into a castle and a chef took aim at it with a shotgun. There is a theory that it might have survived, as you can spot a black chicken near the castle kitchen when you visit it, so maybe this new nemesis is related to the Fable 3 rebel.

Originally scheduled to arrive in 2025, Fable has been delayed to 2026. “We previously announced the date for Fable as 2025; we are actually going to give Fable more time and it’s going to ship in 2026 now,” head of Xbox Games Studios Craig Duncan explained on the official Xbox podcast. “While I know that’s not maybe the news people want to hear, what I want to assure people of is that it’s definitely worth the wait.”

Fable is set to be released on PC and Xbox Series X|S, but one prominent leaker has suggested that the delay may allow it to arrive on launch day on PS5 as well.

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