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Avoved introduces an official mushroom-growing kit, allowing you to cultivate and enjoy tasty face-shaped fungi.

Obsidian role-playing game Avowed now has an official mushroom kit, which you can use to grow a crop of colourful fungus at home similar to the infestation that covers your hero’s face.

Not convinced? How about if we told you this creeping mass of plague-like fungi was designed to be enjoyed as a snack? Just peel the mushrooms from the Avowed-branded box, and pop one in your mouth. Delicious.

This official kit comes from mushroom mail order service North Spore, which sadly does not seem to ship to the UK. Maybe that’s for the best.

Eurogamer’s Avowed review, in video form.Watch on YouTube

US residents keen to grown their own plague (actually, perfectly edible oyster mushrooms of various colours) can order an Avowed kit online for $30 plus shipping. Each kit comes with a random colour selection included, which only reveals itself when the spores bloom.

Avowed mushrooms grow out of a box.

Avowed mushrooms grow out of a box.

Image credit: North Spore

Optionally, you can also download 3D printing details for a bear ornament to grow your mushrooms on, similar to the infected hulking enemies found within the game. Yummy.

Avowed looks to have done well enough for Obsidian, which has now hinted at more to come from its plague-ridden role-playing game. The game’s director, Carrie Patel, was recently asked whether her next project would be something new – but said it was likely she’d be back for more Avowed – be that more content for the first game, or sequels.

“What Avowed lacks in gloss it makes up for with charm, depth and a playful heart,” our Bertie wrote in Eurogamer’s Avowed review. “It’s one of this year’s most pleasant surprises.”

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