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Disney Plus Axes Tiana Series” “Tiana’s Show Scrapped on Disney Plus” “Disney Plus Pulls the Plug on Tiana Project” “Tiana Series No Longer Moving Forward on Disney Plus” “Disney Plus Cancels Tiana’s Planned Show” “Tiana’s Disney Plus Series Gets the Boot” “Planned Tiana Show Shelved by Disney Plus” “Tiana Series Cancellation Announced by Disney Plus” “Disney Plus Drops Tiana’s Upcoming Show” “Tiana’s Journey Ends at Disney Plus with Show Cancelation

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Disney is undergoing a shift in streaming strategy and moving away from longform content on Disney Plus. The Tiana show is allegedly getting retooled into a shortform special, whatever that means. Joyce Sherri, the most recent showrunner on the Tiana show, is set to direct and write.

Even though Splash Mountain’s whole big revamp was specifically designed around Tiana, Disney’s love for The Princess and the Frog only really sparked recently. From the time the movie came out in 2009 to 2020, it wasn’t as beloved by the company as some other more popular titles, like Frozen and Moana. Disney’s spotlight on Tiana only really picked up after the company announced that it would be replacing Splash Mountain with a Princess and the Frog-themed attraction. It was a call that came after many petitions to do so picked up traction during the 2020 Black Lives Matters protests, but a call Disney swears it had planned ahead of time.

There is no word on when the retooled Tiana shortform special will hit Disney Plus, or if it even will.

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