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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Mod Transforms Women, Animals, and Doors Into Massive Blobs, Makes Men Vanish, and Lets You ‘Share Wine with Spherical Locals’

Sometimes you’re playing a game, and you just think to yourself – this could probably do with a few weird flesh blobs to spice things up a bit. A Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 modder has clearly had that epiphany, and they’ve acted on it to bring us all a world of medival lady and animal spheres that’s totally free from the patriarchy.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty cool to me. It looks it, too.

Sphere World‘ is a creation from the mind of modder Omniscye, who’s also done stuff like turn Henry’s dog into a giraffe, feed it to a Poke-ball, and make every wagon in the game transform into a sword whenever you get close – so they’ve got surrealist nightmare form.

The sphere one might be their magnum opus, though, as it turns the game’s female NPCs, livestock, and doors into big balls. Well, big fleshy head blobs in the case of the former two. Meanwhile, in a stunning reversal of that song by The Weather Girls, KCD2’s men aren’t spheres, but have been turned completely invisible. Yep, a world without medival blokes – think how much shouting and how many bowl-cuts we’re down.

Omniscye’s even been nice enough to reccomend you some stuff to do while on holiday in this weird holiday realm, in order to help you “experience spheres”, taking on their travel agent guise to push you towards a “ride through the sunset, dodging or admiring the endless parade of spheres” and “sip wine with sphere locals. They’re round, they’re friendly, they’re… weird.”

Just make sure you don’t try to take any snaps in photo mode to show your folks back, home becauyse doing so with the mod installed “can, and usually does, crash your game”. Aside from that though, PC Gamer has given the mod a go and it seems like it won’t do anything else drastic to your game in terms of messing it up or causing issues. No, I don’t count to whole turning people into blobs thing as drastic.

Do you think the Bayeux Tapestry originally featured some flesh blob people who were secretly erased at some point in history because our ancestors didn’t think we’d be able to handle knowing they existed? I certainly don’t, so you’re on your own if so.

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