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Despite a glitch-ridden and fiery launch, the flawed yet captivating Stalker 2 has drawn 6 million players into the Zone over the past three months.

The process of reviewing Stalker 2 will live forever in my memory—spending a solid week doing almost nothing but play it in order to get through it in time for release, battling through innumerable pre-day-one-patch bugs (weapon audio cutting out, dead enemies becoming beautiful distended masses of flesh) before finally hitting the end and summing the whole experience up as an 83% in our Stalker 2 review. The game was kind of on fire, sure, but it was also bold, brilliant, and beautiful.

But I gotta be honest, I wasn’t certain the gaming public would necessarily share my enthusiasm for GSC’s fireworks display of a game. More fool me. In a post to Instagram yesterday, the studio celebrated the milestone of 6 million players visiting the Zone. Enough people to fill Prypiat 120 times over.

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