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The simpler difficulty in Monster Hunter Wilds could help attract newcomers, but it highlights a deeper issue with the game’s endgame experience.

Okay, so at this point it’s pretty clear that Monster Hunter Wilds isn’t particularly hard. The story mode is a pretty linear cakewalk that introduces you to a variety of big hungry monsters and then lets you loose to body them within 10 minutes. Once you get to High Rank, yeah things get a little harder, but not exceptionally so. Unless you’re opting not to touch multiplayer at all, Monster Hunter Wilds is a breeze.

The problem is, this kind-of creates fundamental problems with the end-game portion of the title. I’m currently sitting at Hunter Rank 77, I’ve got a full set of Tier 8 Arkveld armour, though I’ve also got a max-upgraded Tier 7 Dahaad armour set (which I like due to the Weakness Exploit and Agitator skills built into it). On top of that, I’ve got multiple Tier 8 heavy bowguns, which I’ve had a lot of fun slotting decorations into. That’s all great! It’s been darn fun to build up an aresenal like this. But I’m left thinking, “okay, so, what do I use this stuff on?”

Sure, Tempered Arkveld is kinda hard, but not especially challenging. You just gotta dodge the chains! Gore Magala, for me at least, is trickier, but not so much so that I’ve found myself having to swap out gear, build certain resistances, or whatnot. Now that I’m safely in the endgame of Monster Hunter Wilds, I’m building this gear up for… nothing. Unless there’s a real treat waiting for me at Hunter Rank 100, I could bring any getup to the party and come away with monster parts in kind.

But hey, thankfully the game is fun enough to the point that just hunting monsters is its own reward. I’m having a good time testing stuff out, and I’ve still got various awards to unlock. But I really with there was something here – something substantial – that really forced players to engage with all aspects of the game’s mechanics. No SOS beacons, serious damage modifiers, good reasons to craft up a specific equipment set to handle harder battles or various Blights. That sort-of thing. As of right now, I suppose I could make an fireproof anti-wyvern loadout to kill a billion Yian Kut-ku’s in the current event quest… but that would be overkill.

Artisan sword and shield with elemental fire damage on it in Monster Hunter Wilds
This is a pretty good sword & shield I made, but it’s not had a chance to shine yet. | Image credit: VG247

I was tempted to write this after messing around with the Artisan weapon system (which is amazing, by the way). I think it’s really cool to gather weapon parts from High Rank hunts, scrap together the perfect pieces and make a custom, super sick weapon. The idea of getting three fire element parts, all with affinity infusions, and getting a cool Heavy Bowgun is dope. Add on top of that the chance that I can then upgrade this weapon and pray for the god roll reinforcements, stacking aditional elemental damage and affinity, is moorish.

But, let’s say I get this heavy bowgun, with 350+ fire damage and a nice affinity rating, what can I do with it except for shooting a Blangonga to pieces in front of all his kids? A Blangonga who already is getting curb-stomped by anyone with un-upgraded Tier Six gear and trashy fashion? Crafting this super busted stuff has no real purpose, aside from making number go up, and while I love making the number go up in other games – Path of Exile 2, World of Warcraft, etc – I do also quite like being able to achieve new feats with my big numbers.

Now, in some previous Monster Hunter games there were G-rank hunts; super tough monsters with high HP, damage, and new attacks. This would do just the trick in Wilds, because as of right now, players are building missiles in their backyard and have nothing to shoot them at. Which, I dunno, seems a little sad. I guess we just have to wait for the inevitable Iceborne-like DLC in a few years time, hey?

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