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Top Weapon Rankings for Monster Hunter Wilds: Ultimate Tier List

Let’s start by saying this: there is no best weapon type in Monster Hunter Wilds. If you’re looking for a definitive answer on which weapon type will get you the fastest hunt times every time because it’s just that good and overpowered, there isn’t one. The truth of it is that you should choose what feels good to play with for you. If you’re not carting, are consistently hitting the monster, and having fun while doing it, that’s what matters the most.

There’s a lot that goes into making a build for any given weapon successful, like armor, decorations, and a particular Artian weapon for the particular monster you’re up against, and those are the most important aspect, but if you’re looking for weapon types that just might help you get those hunt times down, these are great ones to try. This tier list of best weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds was created by Frankensteining IGN’s community tier list, online sentiment, my own opinion based on difficulty to master, and some current speedrun time averages.

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List

The “best” weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds are Sword and Shield, Great Sword, Long Sword, Gunlance, and Bow, in no particular order, but the rest of the weapons are absolutely viable. These just stand out above the rest for a variety of reasons, which we’ll describe below.

These are the best of the best for both damage output and relative ease of use to get there. The Gunlance is the most technical weapon here, but its benefits are worth it according to the community.


A-tier weapons have the potential to be as good as S-tier weapons in the right hands as they tend to be a bit more technical and less forgiving, or they fall just a tiny bit short. The Hunting Horn, though potentially not the best solo weapon, is exceptional in co-op.


These may fall a bit short compared to S- and A-rank weapons even when in the most experienced hands, but that doesn’t at all mean they’re “bad.” They just might take a little more effort and fine-tuned builds for the results of some of the others.

Best Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Explained

Sword and Shield

The Sword and Shield is amazing in Monster Hunter Wilds. It’s long been grossly underrated as solely the “beginner” weapon, and while it’s easy to pick up and get to it, it’s also one of the most versatile, consistent weapons in the game that can deal a ton of damage once you get your combos and movements down. Not only is it incredibly mobile even in the middle of attacks, allowing you to stick on monsters like mud on a Jyuratodos, but it can also guard and deal punishing damage. It can even perfect guard incredibly easily, letting you perform quick, powerful counter slashes and proc an Offensive Guard buff if you have that Equipment Skill. For support hunters, it can even use items without putting it away, letting you administer life-saving Lifepowders and buffing items for your whole party in a flash. Whether you prefer to evade or block, deal slashing or blunt damage, or even attack from above, the Sword and Shield has got it all–even a Power Clash. The only thing it’s missing is an Offset attack.

Great Sword

The Monster Hunter developers have said the first weapon they tool in new games is the Great Sword, and it shows. It can take advantage of Wilds’ new Power Clashes and incredibly satisfying Offset attacks, and its kit in general is quintessential Monster Hunter satisfaction in a nutshell. It will take more getting used to than the Sword and Shield, as it’s quite slow, and mishits can be punishing, but the introduction of Focus Mode makes it easier than ever to aim. If you’re looking for the highest damage output in a single strike, the Great Sword is a great pick, and those True Charged Slash hits look so satisfying.

Long Sword

The Long Sword is consistently Monster Hunter’s most popular weapon for good reason. It’s fast and fairly easy to pick up, with a fun, flashy, and satisfying playstyle that relies on its powerful perfect-evading counterattack, the Foresight Slash, to quickly build up the Spirit Gauge to deal max damage. It’s also got amazing reach, considering its size, so slicing off tails is a breeze with the Long Sword. It takes some management to maintain a maxed Spirit Gauge, but doing it is well worth the incredible damage output the Long Sword can accomplish when you’re in a flow with it.


To be honest, I know little about the Gunlance, but IGN’s community tier list contributors, speedrunners, and people around the internet seem to love it in Monster Hunter Wilds. I have found it much more difficult to pick up than the other S-tier weapons, but if you master it, it’s got amazing defense with its huge shield capable of Perfect Guards and explosive power in exchange for some mobility. In Wilds, the Gunlance can now fire two Wyvern’s Fire shots, which also have longer range. Its new attack, Wyrmstake Full Blast, is also incredibly powerful!


Though the bow isn’t doing too hot in Tempered Arkveld speedruns, many agree it’s an amazing pick in Monster Hunter Wilds, and I’ve seen it often voted as the strongest weapon in community polls. It certainly feels powerful, even despite its minor Focus Strike nerf since the Open Beta Test. So, what makes it S-tier? The Bow has a new move in Wilds that guarantees your shots will hit its intended target and crit: Tracer Ammo. Wilds also makes it so the Bow never runs out of its damage-boosting or ailment-inflicting coatings, further increasing its damage potential. Finally, if you perfect your dodge timing, the Bow’s Discerning Dodge replenishes your stamina so you almost never need to stop attacking! The Bow is mobile, strong, and its Focus Strike looks rad, what more could you ask for?

Remember, this is all just for reference, and we recommend sticking with your preferred weapon. For example, if you’re skilled with the Light Bow Gun, knowing exactly where to aim with what ammo and dodging every monster attack, you’re going to get better times than with the Great Sword if you keep whiffing your True Charged Slashes and can’t time your Offset attacks consistently. Any weapon takes time to get good at!

What weapon do you think is the best in Monster Hunter Wilds? Contribute to our Community Tier List at the top of this article. Maybe we’ll update this article with new ratings! And for more, don’t miss the growing, extremely comprehensive Monster Hunter Wilds guide.

Casey DeFreitas is a deputy editor for the IGN guides team and has been hunting monsters since the PS2 era. Catch her on every social @ShinyCaseyD.

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