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How to Access the Caldarus Romance Path in Fields of Mistria

Fields of Mistria‘s Caldarus romance is here at last, though getting the dragon guardian’s affection takes rather a lot of work. His human form is tied to a new quest that requires several rare and valuable items, and you need to spend a lot of time in the mines before you can start it. Our Fields of Mistria Caldarus guide explains how to unlock Caldarus for romance and what his preferred gifts are.

How to romance Caldarus in Fields of Mistria

Good thing there's a local witch who specializes in breaking seals.
Good thing there’s a local witch who specializes in breaking seals.

Caldarus’ human form and subsequent arrival on the stage of potential romance is tied to a lengthy quest introduced in Fields of Mistria’s second major update, Breaking the Fire Seal. Getting to the point where you can begin the quest requires a fair bit of spelunking in the mines, as the tablet and the Fire Seal itself are buried deep in the mines, at level 60. You’ll also need several emeralds, sapphires, and rubies during the quest itself, so make sure to set some aside as

Once you acquire the tablet, speak to Juniper at the bathhouse to start the quest. Once you break the seal, Caldarus will appear, adopt his human form, and expend all his energy rescuing you from the calamity that ensued after the seal broke. He’s, understandably, a bit tired after that and retreats to his home in the Deep Woods to recover–but not before giving you a new spell, Dragon’s Breath.

That spell is key to removing the vines that previously blocked you from entering the Deep Woods, and you can use it to unblock the caves where the crafting recipes for Fields of Mistria’s sprinkler and auto-petter are. Before venturing inside, you’ll want to have an axe of at least copper grade or higher to deal with the stumps in the woods. You also need to deal with the giant rock blocking your way next to the carpenter’s shop, if you haven’t already, and that requires at least a copper pickaxe.

Caldarus’ home is in the region’s upper right corner. Make your way there, and chat with him to add him to your journal as a romance interest.

Caldarus’ heart level

Shortly after the update, players reported that their relationship with Caldarus started out at its maximum level of six hearts. Not long after, NPC Studio said they pushed an adjustment that meant Caldarus’ affection meter would start at a level that is in keeping with your story’s progress. In other words, if you’re caught up on Fields of Mistria’s main story quests, he’ll still have six hearts, but it’ll be fewer for those who have a ways to go.

If you’re new to the game and want to start things off with Caldarus as if he were any other romance interest, you might want to hold off on advancing too far in the story and just do the missions required to reach the Fire Seal quest.

Caldarus’ loved and liked gifts

Statue Caldarus will still function as normal on your farm, even after Human Caldarus sets up house.
Statue Caldarus will still function as normal on your farm, even after Human Caldarus sets up house.

We haven’t yet uncovered all of Caldarus’ preferred gifts, but we do have a few you can aim for to help woo him more effectively.

Caldarus’ loved gifts

  • Caldarus Statuette
  • Veggie Sub Sandwich
  • Apple Honey Curry
  • Spring Galette

Caldarus’ liked gifts

  • Fish Tacos
  • Ice Cream Sunday
  • Vegetable Quiche
  • Golden Cookies
  • Chocolate Cake

The only thing we’ve discovered that Caldarus hates is Dragon’s Claw, which, seeing as it’s the equivalent of giving your lover a severed finger as a present, is hardly surprising. By that same logic, he probably dislikes Dragon’s Scale as well.

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