Lo! What’s that on the horizon? It’s another gigantic whale of an RPG soon to release. Good grief, there’s been a lot of those recently. Must be mating season.
Here’s what we’re clicking on this weekend!
I’m reviewing Assassin’s Creed Shadows at the moment, so I will likely be swingin’ steel and stabbin’ dirtbags. But if I find some time, I’d like to relax and make tea in Wanderstop.
This weekend I have fish to fry that aren’t video games and aren’t fish either, and also I’m trying to lay off the fried food. So I guess I have other… salads to toss? I might try the demos for Sultan’s Game and Dead Static Drive.
I wish I knew. I don’t need a game recommendation engine, I need a game make-me-play engine that persuades me to actually make a start on any of the games I already have installed, owned, or wishlisted.
I continue playing Warhammer 40,000: Darktide in anticipation for the upcoming Ogryn rework. Word is it’ll be possible to spec for an endless supply of big friendly rocks, which were already the most breathtakingly devastating weapons in the Imperium, so you can understand my excitement, yes? Yes? It’s infinite rocks!
It’s been a trying week for my wife and I on our house journey, so I’ll probably take it easy this weekend as best I can. There’s a certain big game I’ve been playing for guidestown that I might make some headway on, though I might also forgo video games entirely to read a book. Chances are, if I do open up Steam at all over the next few days it’ll be to fire up Playne, the only meditation piece of software that’s ever really worked for me.
I haven’t touched Space Marine 2 since it got a bunch of updates and I got a new GPU, so I fancy a bit of bug bashing. Also still on my pizza game. I’ve acquired some 00 grade flour and a new proofing tray, and I will perfect a crispy yet chewy crust if it destroys me.
I’m still pottering away at Shapez 2 in my free time. I realised a few hours in that I made an oops when I was creating the map. Somehow I accidentally set it so no paint would spawn on the map except the teeny tiny starting ones. It was enough of an annoyance that I decided to start again on a new map, so I’m currently catching up to where I was before. It’s not a chore, though, because every time I approach a new automation job I figure out another little way to improve the process. Such is the genre.
But you, reader dear, what are you playing this weekend?…
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