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Share Your Thoughts with Penne: This Pasta Display Features Three Unique Frames, and It’s Giving Its All!

It’s a Pasta Display – YouTube
It’s a Pasta Display - YouTube

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If I had all the money in the world, I think I’d retire to a shed somewhere in the countryside and spend the rest of my life making bizarre projects. I’d have to work damn hard to come up with anything odder than this pasta display, however, nor would I possess the will to keep going after an early penne-based disaster.

YouTube channel Julius Makes has shown the world what it didn’t know it needed, a step-by-step breakdown of the build process for a pasta-based display (via Hackaday). After noticing that penne pasta ridges essentially look the same as gears when turned on their side, an early effort involved linking multiple pasta pieces together with a spring-loaded mechanism in the hope they would rotate in sequence when motorised.

An early iteration of a pasta-based display, in which several pieces of penne pasta are interlinked in the hope they will rotate through images in sequence.

(Image credit: Julius Makes)

Spoiler: They didn’t. Even once the ends had been trimmed, it wasn’t possible to reliably spin them in sequence to show an image on one side, and an image on the other.

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