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Experience the nostalgic charm of a ‘simulated MMORPG’ reminiscent of RuneScape, but without the drama—every ‘player’ you encounter is an NPC.

The ideal MMO experience is one where everyone is happy to join your party and your teammates never stand up to go take a dump during a raid—which is exactly the idyllic throwback MMO-like experience filled by Erenshor, the “singleplayer simulated MMO” where all the other players around you are NPCs. It’s got a demo out now and a newly announced early access launch date too.

Erenshor calls itself “a singleplayer nod to the MMORPGs of the past,” and yeah, it’s hard not to compare it to RuneScape at a glance with those low-poly characters and bright colored, cartoony world.

Erenshor - A player talks to Alice Hewer to receive a quest in a game that looks like an MMO

(Image credit: Burgee Media)

It really screams 2005 all around with the auto-attack and hotbar combat, vaguely medieval European world of every RPG of the era, and low level bandits and spiders crawling all over town. Ah yes, it’s as if I’m sitting in front of a 4:3 aspect flat screen in my high school bedroom at 1 am on a school night.

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