Another Helldivers 2 Warbond has been revealed, and it’ll be a big among folks who used to serve under a certain guy who says ‘Tahiti’ a lot before they took up arms for Super Earth. It’s called Borderline Justice, it’ll let you dress up like a cowboy, and it includes a jetpack. Nice.
Following on from the much more formal Servants of Freedom Warbond that dropped last month and brought with it some masks with very stoic faces, this one drops at a key time for folks in-game – players recently saw another planet get blown up by the Illuminate’s sneaky black hole, and it’s proving tough to halt the advancing foes.
As detailed in the PlayStation blog about it, Borderline Justice is designed to help those who grab it when it drops on March 20 to channel their inner gunslinger in the fight against the squids.
What’s in it? Some sutiably yee-haw-y weapons in the form the R-6 Deadeye lever-action hunting rifle and the LAS-58 Talon energy-based revolver. There’s also some dynamite as a throwable, because of course there is.
That’s not all, though – the new strategem is a jetpack. Well, techincally speaking a hover pack dubbed the LIFT-860 that lets you “rise and hover for a little while and still aim or use ADS”. That’s jetpacky enough for me. Armour-wise, on the other hand, there’s one heavy set and one medium – the GS-66 Lawmaker & GS-17 Frontier Marshal respectively
Both are draped in holsters and bandoliers, as well as packing the gunslinger passive, which “gives your secondary increased reload speed, increased draw/holster speed, and reduced recoil”. They don’t come with cowboy hats, sadly, buit Arrowhead has added an emote that mimes tipping a stetson, so that’ll have to do. Hey at least you’ll also get a Sample Extricator booster that gives downed big enemies a “small chance” to drop a sample.
Is Helldivers 2 going all RDR2 with this set of gear something that’s got your spurs jangle-jingling? Let us know below!
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