Canabalt developer and Tunic publisher Adam “Atomic” Saltsman has released a free “mash-up” of Wolfenstein and the original Prince of Persia. It runs on PICO-8, the sprinkle-covered fairy cake of game engines, and comprises 15 levels of jumping over gaps and murdering Nazis.
Unlike in the original Prince Of Persia, each screen shows you the full level with a fog of war effect. This pleases me, because the act of moving between screens in OG POP used to fill me with terror, at least till I memorised the map. Remember the first time you felt the ground give way and fell on some spikes in Prince Of Persia? At least when Sonic the Hedgehog ran out of air you got a countdown. Eesh.
You can find Prince Of Prussia – not bad as puns go, but I feel like there’s an absolute banger here waiting to be discovered – on There are at least 60 Nazis to slaughter. Both the PICO-8 action buttons are used for jumping. Rather than engaging in a clash of scimitars, you kill the Nazis simply by walking into them from behind once you’ve found yourself a knife.
Saltsman has made a few things for Itch, ranging from free tilesets to moderately leftfield sokobans and “bandit accountancy” games. All good stuff, but nothing rivals leaping through that window in Canabalt.
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