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Yes, PC players are annoyed with Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered’s newly added PSN requirement, but they mostly want some glitches and bugs patched

The Horizon Zero Dawn remaster arrived on PC earlier this week, and like many PlayStation releases before it, it’s released with a few problems.

It’s pretty clear that PlayStation releasing its games on PC is working out quite well for the platform, even if some games are proving to be bigger hits than others. But one thing that is consistently an issue with its PC releases is that they launch in often glitchy and buggy states, and Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered is no different. Obviously the immediate controversy is that this remastered version of the game now requires you to link a PSN account, something that’s been a bit of a hot button topic with PlayStation this year, and consistently not a good one.

You won’t be surprised to hear that the game has garnered some pretty mixed reviews on Steam, in part because of that PSN requirement, but honestly there are quite a few reviews that are more frustrated with how buggy the game is. One negative review starts out by saying how they love the game, and that “the world building and graphics are best of class.

But after a brief mention about the PSN account problem, they go on to talk about how it’s “buggy as all hell on PC. In my first 10 minutes playing I encountered: Random crashes to main menu, control drop outs where I had alt-tab back to the game to get them to work again, odd blurring of the graphics randomly even when not moving… I could keep adding items, at least a few more, but honestly? If you REALLY want this REMASTER… wait a while.”

There are a number of other reviews that talk about other issues the game has, like various performance issues, button inputs not working, not being able to quit the game properly, and so on. The good thing is that the game did receive an update just two days ago, or a day after its release, so hopefully more patches will be incoming soon enough, I just wouldn’t expect that PSN requirement to change though.

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