Ogres, Orcs, and Khorne are all on the way in the upcoming expansion for strategy game Total War: Warhammer 3, and Creative Assembly have just released their latest dev vlog with a few more details on what to expect. There’s still no word on the exact title, although given the established naming convention (Shadows Of Change, Thrones Of Decay), I’m tentatively calling it “Sniffers Of Glue” in honour of the No Think, Only Krump faction selection.
You’ll find the vlog in its full glory below. What’s interesting about this one is that vlog mainstay director Rich Alridge has brought along some new faces: battle designer Josh King and audio director Chris Goldsmith. And, yes, so no-one can accuse me of burying the lede: that audio design involved the enthusiastic, deeply disgusting slurping of porridge and yoghurt, and the jangling of real bones. The source of the bones is not revealed.
First up, here’s a quick list of all the characters and units either revealed or confirmed for the DLC, either in this video or the previous. I’ve chucked in some wiki links, too, in case you wanted to have a looksie at the models.
Phew! Based on the number of units in previous DLCs, there’s still a fair few reveals to go, too.
We also get a new look at some Khrone campaign mechanics, namely a new Skull Throne screen where you’ll trade skulls for buffs. But the real skeleton-related news is that the jangling from Skulltaker’s cape was made with actual bones. They’re ethically sources corpse sticks, we’re assured. Again, the source of the bones is not divulged.
There’s also a lovely video an employee slurping yoghurt to create the eating sounds for the colossal squig. It starts around 22:15 so you can not watch it while you’re eating. Or at all.
There’s still no hard and fast word on when this next expansion actually releases, but the official trailer is due “later this month”. Maybeeee we’ll have an interview with Rich Aldrige too. Maybe I’ll ask him about the bones, but do let me know if you’ve got any other questions. Also, periodic reminder I wrote a massive beginners guide to Total Warhammer if you’ve been eyeing it from afar, but still aren’t sure where to start.
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