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Audiences watch in shock, powerless to intervene, as a blindfolded Super Mario 64 speedrunner narrowly misses a world record that wouldn’t have been valid: “It would’ve brought me to tears.”

Viewers of Super Mario 64 speedrunner, Bubzia, presumably spent an entire 60 minutes chewing off their fingernails—not because he was doing poorly, but because he was doing rather well. See, Bubzia is a special kind of speedrunner, choosing to tackle his game of choice with a blindfold on, and he’s been grinding at his world record for over two months.

However, not being able to see makes you oblivious to your stream chat (probably a positive, if we’re being honest) and, crucially, any hardware failures. Which is a huge problem, because any blindfolded run needs full video evidence—an uninterrupted webcam recording—to be considered valid.

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