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Avowed gives you the option to avoid playing as a mushroom-like character, but that’s the easy way out.

Avowed‘s character creator lets you lie to yourself. If you so choose, you can hide your protagonist’s chosen one magical mushroom man features, letting you embody that oh so rare fantasy of being a hot elf with weirdly dead eyes in a fantasy RPG, mushroom-free. This is no way to live, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise: You are fungus in Avowed, do not try to deny it.

The envoy in Avowed is a “godlike,” a race from Pillars of Eternity somewhat reminiscent of tieflings or genasi from Dungeons & Dragons. Claimed by one of Eora’s divine powers at birth, godlikes are marked with features associated with the god in question. In the case of our envoy’s mystery deity, it’s an assortment of fungal growths and woody accessories, Star Trek rubber forehead alien flair and Dryad chic, with a shocking assortment to choose from. Only, the character creator also lets you hide those features entirely, reducing the envoy to a regular-looking schmuck while everyone still reacts to them like they’re a freak of nature.

Avowed protagonist in conversation showing woody, mushroomy features.

Getting shroomy with it. (Image credit: Obsidian)

I get why Obsidian gave us the option: Can’t scare off the normies with too much fun and flavor, after all. There are gamers who rolled humans in Baldur’s Gate 3 or imperials in Skyrim who are likely crucial to Avowed’s long term financial success. Even still, I know there had to have been at least one steely-eyed maverick on that team who held firm on artistic integrity until a tide of marketing-friendly quibbles washed them away like so much flotsam.

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