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Avowed Understands That ‘Meaningful Choices’ Go Beyond Simple Cause and Effect, Unlike Many Other RPGs

You’re the creative director for the next up-and-coming RPG. You step on stage in front of an audience of eager fans (pretend we still do these things live), and after the reveal trailer rolls you steeple your fingers and the grand promise you make to players is:

  1. “That mountain? You can go there!”
  2. “A living, breathing world”
  3. “A story with choices that matter

You say “choices that matter” and the crowd cheers, though they’re quietly harboring skepticism. Would they have believed you outright if you went for the mountain? Maybe. They’re all buzzword-laden lines, so perhaps it won’t make any difference in the end. But whether or not the choice perceptibly changes your trajectory, it sure felt like a big deal in the moment, and that’s what makes a choice matter.

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