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Bioshock and Doom Eternal head up the best batch of ‘freebies’ Amazon Prime’s ever offered

All hail our wretched corporate overlord Amazon, the supremely convenient and ultra-efficient company I have exactly zero complaints about as a consumer yet somehow loathe to my marrow. Ahem. It’s probably just having kids, for whom I am now little more than a middleman to Mr. Bezos’ shiny and reasonably priced wares.

Yes, I am one of those saps with an Amazon Prime subscription. There are apparently over 200 million of us, a scale that suddenly makes all that free shipping make sense, and one of the Prime benefits is its monthly games offerings. These titles are ‘free’ to paying subscribers, but you need to claim them within the period of availability, and while they’re generally pretty decent this month’s offering is without doubt the best that Amazon’s ever had.  

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