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BlizzCon 2025 has been canceled, marking a missed opportunity for its 20th anniversary, but the event is set to make a grand comeback in 2026 with plans to “significantly enhance this legendary celebration.”

It’s good news and bad news for Blizzard fans. The bad news is that BlizzCon is skipping 2025, making it the second year running the convention hasn’t transpired, and the fifth time since 2020 that BlizzCon had not held a live event. The good news is that BlizzCon is definitely happening in 2026, with Blizzard providing dates, a location, and even a few details.

BlizzCon 2026 will be held on September 12 and 13, with the event taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. In a press release, Blizzard provided a brief summary of what attendees can expect next year.

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