We’re still in the early phases of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, so that means there’s still some uncharted territory for players to explore and uncover, and the latest discovery is an easter egg points hack in Zombies.
“Basketball easter egg found,” one player who goes by SmartGuy316 says. “Make the ball in the hoop for a free 2,000 points (The Ball is sitting in the corner above the gas canister on the WW quest door on the roof). Definitely need to find a good setup of this for speedruns.” I’m not sure how many attempts SmartGuy316 had before finally scoring the points, but regardless of the number of attempts, it’s still an impressive shot.
Getting 2,000 points in Zombies is nothing to sniff at. Some players have pointed out how strangely difficult it is to get enough points the usual way. “To start off, the number one issue that Zombies YouTubers had pointed out after playing BO6 Zombies was that the point scaling was off, and it felt like they consistently never had enough points,” one player says.
“In BO6, we have ammo mods, gobblegums, pack a punch, tactical, lethal, and support equipment, weapon rarities, etc. In theory, more options equals more variety in gameplay and more happy players. However, with so many systems, balancing becomes difficult. With the points system, there is no longer a way to prioritize how you receive points, such as getting headshots vs melee kills vs body kills, etc.” The points system may be a little off, thanks to just how many new items players can have, but beggars can’t be choosers when you’re knee-deep in undead killer corpses that are trying to rip your face off.
So, if you find yourself low on points and want a not-so-easy and probably not-that-quick way of wracking some up, it’s worth giving this easter egg a shot. The only other noteworthy thing is that you need to have the right weapon. “It SEEMS as if this only works with packed explosive weapons and from the angle that I did it here, but I would love to be wrong on that,” SmartGuy316 says. Otherwise, this easter egg is pretty straightforward.
There are also a couple of other easter eggs popping up more as players start to really look around their surroundings. On Liberty Falls, just outside the front entrance of the church in Hilltop, if you throw a lethal at a Floating Head on top of the highest steeple point and manage to hit it, you’ll then be greeted by loads of zombies falling from the sky (via Detonated).
But falling zombies aren’t the only fun thing you get from this easter egg. As the undead hit the ground and explode on impact, they give you some valuable loot like support items, armour plates, aether tools, and lethals and tacticals. It’s not much, but you have to get help any way you can when you’re in BO6 Zombies.
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