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Civilization 6 continues to surpass Civilization 7 in daily active Steam users.

The last two Civilization games are still very popular, which is a testament both to how good they are and to how good they are at becoming the default time-killing activity for those they get their hooks into. The just-released Civilization 7 also has some good qualities, but it looks like it’ll need to evolve if it’s going to attain the same legendary status, because its Steam player count isn’t consistently surpassing those of its older siblings.

Both Civ 5 and Civ 6 have hit higher peak concurrent player counts on Steam: 91,363 and 162,657 respectively, according to data from SteamDB, with Civ 7 so far managing 84,558 following its full launch last week. And Civ 5 managed to hit that 91,363 peak over 11 years ago, when Steam had fewer users.

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