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Dataminers turn up potential details on WoW’s upcoming player housing feature—from the Cataclysm Classic PTR, of all places

The dataminers appear to have struck some hypothetical gold while panning for details in, bemusingly, Cataclysm Classic’s public test realm (PTR) of all places. In case you aren’t in the know, player housing—an oft-requested feature of the 20 year old MMO—is absolutely coming to World of Warcraft in the game’s next expansion, Midnight. The only question is, what’s it gonna all look like?

As spotted by WoWHead, a list of revelatory files popped up on the Cataclysm Classic PTR, via a file named “PlayerHousingConstantsDocumentation.lua”. While .lua files have a broad variety of uses in coding, they’re most often used by players in the construction of addons—as for why it’s showing up on a Classic server, which probably won’t be getting the new feature, some players theorise that it’s just a quirk of the system.

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