Destiny 2‘s newest dungeon, Sundered Doctrine, has arrived and with it comes new loot, including an Exotic weapon, Finality’s Auger, that awaits players brave enough to take on the mysteries of Rhulk’s pyramid inside Savathun’s Throne World. Episode Heresy brings with it a bunch of new weapons, but among the most exciting is Finality’s Auger–a linear fusion rifle that behaves differently than you’d typically expect.
Finality’s Auger is a distinct new weapon that has some interesting behaviors not seen in a weapon before, almost giving players a class ability to spawn a turret alongside them. Here’s everything we know about Finality’s Auger so far, including how to get it from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon and more–we will report back once we know more on how to unlock the weapon’s Catalyst and other secrets surrounding this weapon.
How to get Finality’s Auger

Finality’s Auger is a reward that’s only available in the Sundered Doctrine dungeon. That means you’ll need access to the dungeon, which requires the Final Shape Dungeon Key. If you don’t already own it from purchasing the last Destiny 2 expansion, you can buy it in-game for 2,000 Silver, Destiny 2’s in-game currency. That amounts to about $20 and also gets you access to the Sundered Doctrine dungeon.
Like other dungeon Exotics, the Finality’s Auger is obtained as a random drop that can come from the dungeon’s final boss. Unfortunately, that means that unlike some other Exotics, you’ll need to replay Sundered Doctrine until you receive it.
There is one way to guarantee getting Finality’s Auger, and that’s by completing Sundered Doctrine during Contest mode. That’s the challenging mode that’s only available during the first 48 hours of the dungeon’s release, as part of the race in which teams compete to be the first group to finish the dungeon. Contest mode caps players’ levels beneath the recommended level for each encounter, equalizing the challenge among all players and making the whole thing a bit more difficult than usual. If you finish Sundered Doctrine in Contest mode, you’ll get Finality’s Auger for your trouble.
If you miss Contest mode or would rather play the dungeon normally, you might be able to amp up your chances of earning Finality’s Auger. Other dungeons have included Triumphs that increase the drop rate of their Exotics, and we can expect that to be the same situation here. We’ll expand this guide with additional details once the dungeon is available.
How to get the Finality’s Auger Catalyst
Much like previous dungeon Exotic weapons, just finding the gun is only the first step. Like other dungeons, the Catalyst for Finality’s Auger will likely consist of uncovering secrets and completing Triumphs while completing the dungeon on Master difficulty with a fireteam.
We’ll report back with a full guide on how to find and unlock the Catalyst for Finality’s Auger once the Master difficulty is unlocked and a full solution has been found.
The Finality’s Auger catalyst makes it even stronger by adding the weapon perk Bait and Switch. When players swap to both of your weapons to deal damage, then switch back to Finality’s Auger, the gun will deal additional damage for a short period of time. This perk affects the damage done by the Runescribe’s Forge turret and the Runescribe’s Beacon painted mode (both described below). So ideally what players need to do is switch to their first two weapons to deal some, then switch back to Finality’s Auger to use the turret’s functions.
Can you farm Finality’s Auger?
In some Destiny 2 activities, you can replay them over and over until you get the drops you want–in other words, you can farm for a particular piece of gear. However, it’s usually the case that Exotics in newly released dungeons are not farmable. Instead, the number of chances you get at the Exotic are limited each week to one per character. That means that if you play on all three characters, you get three opportunities per week to earn Finality’s Auger; once you’ve made all three attempts, you’ll have to wait for the weekly reset at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET on Tuesday for another three shots.
If you aren’t lucky enough to get the Exotic straight away, you can always pay Xur a visit.
What does Finality’s Auger do?

Finality’s Auger is a Solar linear fusion rifle that can create a turret with its special perk, Runescribe’s Forge. This is done by holding down the Reload key to prime a turret for three Heavy ammo, then shoot straight up to spawn the turret. The turret will shoot nearby targets much like a Warlock’s Bleak Watcher, just pointing at whatever is hostile nearby. After period of time, the turret will disappear.
The secondary perk that affects the turret is Runescribe’s Beacon. While the turret is active, players can paint targets with the weapon and the turret will become more powerful against the designated target. By holding Reload to swap the weapon’s mode, players can switch the weapon between its laser mode and regular mode while a turret is active. If they hold Reload with no turret active, it will activate the mode to fire a turret.
The new gun might come in handy in the new Nether activity, which can be challenging due to the way health regeneration works. For more, check out our guide on how the Tome of Want works and the best builds for Episode Heresy.
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