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Dota 2 emphasizes the significance of water with expanded additions in its latest map overhaul.

Dota 2 has had a firecracker few years, consistently remaking the game and shaking things up when players least expect it with map and hero changes coming fast and furious. The developers have, frankly, slipped the leash. Valve’s got no control of them anymore. They can’t, as evinced by the latest update: 7.38, Wandering Waters.

They just added a bunch of water. For decades there’s been a fixed amount of water on that Dota map, one little river in the center and honestly it’s just aesthetic gloss for the lowest point on the map. Now the map’s river is no longer alone. Two new waterways traverse Dota 2‘s jungles, each flowing toward a low wetland on the map’s north and south.

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