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Ex-Sony executive openly admits: releasing PlayStation games on PC is ‘practically a license to print money.’

It’s been an obvious truth for ages: console manufacturers have been missing out on fat stacks by not releasing their games on PC. Microsoft long ago gave up on pure Xbox exclusives, and is even releasing games on PlayStation now. Sony, meanwhile, has tacitly acknowledged the fact for years, steadily releasing its PS4 and PS5 back catalogue onto Steam, and then last year, releasing Helldivers 2 concurrently on both PS5 and PC to enormous success. Now, former Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida has come out and said it explicitly: releasing its games PC is a license for Sony to print money.

Speaking to Sacred Symbols+ (via Push Square) about his time as head of PlayStation Studios Yoshida explained he wanted to bring Sony games to PC far earlier than when it eventually happened, but it just wasn’t the way Sony thought back then. Eventually though, Sony was sold on the idea through a notion that releasing games on PC now might entice players to buy a PlayStation in the future.

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