Ghouls made their way into Fallout 76 earlier this week, and since then it’s mostly been positive. Regular players can now rely on ghouls to collect irradiated ore and venture into radioactive zones during events. But there’s a small issue that’s recently split the playerbase down the middle: access to ghoul camps can be a bit tricky for smoothskins.
One of the ghoul’s best perks is their resistance to radiation and how you can now use toxic waste sites to heal and power you up. Because of that, plenty of other ghoul players, myself included, now spend most of their time sticking to the most irradiated parts of the maps for safety. So what better place to settle down and build your Camp than at one of these radioactive sites?
As soon as I fast travel back home, my character immediately begins healing itself and getting stronger, ready to head back out and seize the day. These radioactive locations are also located in some further corners of the map, giving you a handy fast travel location that can cut travel time by half.
Some great locations ghouls may want to browse for their new campsite include Emmett Mountain, the crater near the Monorail Elevator, or the Federal Disposal Field HZ-21, which also has plenty of uranium deposits, a workshop and looks pretty sick.
The only problem with these locations is that they’re not welcoming to all. While they may be a ghoul’s dream spot, regular human players are having a hard time trying to visit these locations.
“To the ghoul who placed his camp where it was,” Supernaut8086 says. “You know who you are, yes you—the ghoul who placed his camp in a heavily radiated area on the map. I had to inject 30+ radaway into my veins. Veins that are wrapped in perfect smooth skin and not the wrinkled nut sack skin you have that looks like it’s been left out in the Mojave sun. Worst part is you had your vendor in the most obscure place I have ever seen in any settlement.”
If you’re not familiar with all the no-go radioactive zones on Fallout 76’s map, I can imagine that fast travelling to one to make use of a shortcut only to be met with aggressive radiation piercing your skin would be a bit of a shock. The radiation also makes visiting camps for their vendor pretty difficult as you have to spend time finding the vendor and some more time browsing their wares.
“How dare you make me spend any second longer near the radiated waters and soil you built your settlement on,” Supernaut8086 continues. “Do I look like a child of atom who celebrates and respects radiation? Now, I’m not a post-apocalyptic racist. Okay! I have many ghoul friends that I welcome into my settlement. Have some consideration for us ‘smoothskins’ the next time since I have a lot of patience and consideration when you ghouls visit my settlement.”
I would suggest making camps away from dangerous radioactive sites, but as that’s just not very fun for those who just got their new rad powers, it’s probably best for those fast travelling to player camps to double-check exactly where on the map they’re going and prepare accordingly.
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