FBC: Firebreak is an upcoming co-op shooter from Control and Alan Wake studio Remedy, and the game is currently confirmed for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. But could it also come to Nintendo Switch 2? It’s too soon to say, but game director Mike Kayatta hasn’t ruled it out.
Speaking to Kotaku, Kayatta said, “We are very busy in developing the game for the launch. So we haven’t given the Switch 2 any thought at this point, but things can always change in the future.”
This question came up after Remedy stated that it wanted to make FBC run well on lower-end PCs and become Steam Deck Verified. The Switch 2’s specs remain unknown, but the console is expected to continue the tradition for Nintendo platforms of being relatively underpowered compared to PlayStation and Xbox consoles, along with high-end PCs.
FBC: Firebreak – Community First Look Trailer
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In GameSpot’s own recent preview of FBC, we said the game is “more Left 4 Dead than live-service.” It’s one of multiple Remedy games in the works, along with Control 2 and Max Payne 1 and 2 remakes.
FBC releases this summer, and it’ll be available at launch through the subscription programs PlayStation Plus and Xbox Game Pass, as well as to buy outright. It’s a “mid-priced” game that will have free post-launch DLC along with paid cosmetics. FBC is canon to Control and some characters from that game could appear in FBC, Kayatta told Kotaku.
As for Switch 2, it’s set for release later this year, with a major reveal planned for April 2. Given the immense success of the existing Switch, many are expecting strong third-party support, but as mentioned, it’s too early to say if FBC could be among the list of titles coming to Switch 2.
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