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Forgot there was an Elder Scrolls card game? Me too, but this isn’t a happy reminder, as it’s going offline permanently next year

There will soon be one less Elder Scrolls to play in the world, as the card game Legends is no longer available to buy on Steam.

I won’t blame you if you forgot all about The Elder Scrolls: Legends, I’m not even entirely sure I knew it existed in the first place, but it does; or, I should say did, as since yesterday you can no longer buy the game on Steam. Heading to the game’s Steam page will have you greeted with a message telling you it’s not available on the storefront anymore, but booting up the game shows a message confirming the game’s imminent shutdown. “The Elder Scrolls: Legends servers will permanently shut down on January 30, 2025,” reads the message (via Rock Paper Shotgun).

“From now until January 30, 2025, all items in the store and entry into in-game events will be available for 1 gold each, so you can enjoy all the content Legends has to offer. On that date, servers will be shut down and the game will be inaccessible. Thank you for playing and we hope you have enjoyed your time in Legends.” Considering the game only peaked at just under 9000 players when it first came out around seven years ago, according to SteamDB, this likely won’t affect all that many people, but it’s always a shame when a game is delisted for any reason.

Active development on the title ended back in 2019, so it’s not like this is all that much of a surprise in any case. Legends was clearly a response to the at the time growing trend of digital collectible card games – this was when Hearthstone was doing quite well for itself, but you don’t exactly hear much about mig CCGs these days, do ya? Still, a bit bloody frustrating that another game is going offline just because it didn’t find a huge amount of success, but I’m sure the next one will stick around. Right?

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