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Former WoW designer tips hat to Marvel Rival’s shifting meta as an antidote to MMOs with stale class design ‘you have to change the meta continually’

MMOs—at least, the big boys that have endured from the massively multiplayer golden age—can sometimes be considered a smidge stale. Many design elements are, in a sense, solved. The Holy Trinity took over years ago, dungeon finders are a must, and heaven forbid if you’re running something suboptimal in a pick-up group of hypervigilant strangers, with insults about your mum already bound to a macro and ready to go.

As games like Wildstar (and the ravenous way in which WoW players devoured Classic) proved, the vibe of oldschool MMOs is forever buried under the age of information and Icy Veins. That’s not to say people don’t enjoy Classic, they clearly do, it’s just different. Subject to the meta like any other game.

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