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George RR Martin Hints at Potential Elden Ring Film, But His Focus Remains on Finishing The Winds of Winter

George RR Martin famously took inspiration for a scene in his Song of Ice and Fire books from the Black Dinner of 1440, an event in Scottish history where two noblemen—believing they were safe as guests at a dinner—were suddenly seized and executed without trial. Coincidentally, this took place at roughly the same time as Martin himself announced The Winds of Winter, his long-delayed penultimate book in the series that fans have been eagerly anticipating for a long, long time (okay, not since 1440, but since 2011, which is pretty much as long ago).

To be fair, old George has been up to all sorts while writing Winds, including helping create the lore and backstory for Elden Ring alongside FromSoft’s Hidetaka Miyazaki. Now, in a chat with IGN, he’s revealed that maybe there’s a chance the setting could make the leap to the silver screen. “Well, I can’t say too much about it, but there is some talk about making a movie out of Elden Ring,” said Martin.

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