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Guide to Modifying Weather and Urban Settings in InZoi

InZoi is a new life sim on PC, which is available now in Steam Early Access. This game offers similar features as its competitor, The Sims, and there are plenty of ways to customize and make your InZoi characters and city feel unique to your gameplay. Here, we’ll guide you through some of the ways you can change the appearance of your city, including adding various weather elements.

How to change the weather

The second icon in the bottom right corner of your HUD will take you to the Edit City menu, or you can click the M button on your keyboard.

From here, click on the City Appearance tab at the top of the screen.

The City Appearance menu gives you several options, including a Weather tab, and clicking on it will give you a few options to choose from:

Selecting Cloudy, Rainy, or Snowy will show a dial that can be adjusted up or down for three levels of this weather type.

For example, level 1 snow is a nice dusting and level 3 snow gives way more coverage.

How to change plants and foliage

Changing tree appearenc
Changing tree appearenc

Also found under the City Appearance is the ability to alter what kind of trees and grass are found in your city. Maybe you want sunflowers or rose bushes for more color, or a city filled with maple trees.

These options are found under the Trees and Grass tabs.

How to add silly decorations

Decorations tab lets you add inflatable pandas
Decorations tab lets you add inflatable pandas

You can make your city fun with giant inflatables. These include:

  • Panda balloon
  • Large cat balloon
  • As well as floating balloons for the Earth, moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury

You can select up to three, but make sure to use the slider found below your options. This will adjust the decorations from 0 balloons to several.

How to choose the animals that appear

You can have up to three types of animals appearing in your city, and you can select from the following:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Pandas
  • Deer
  • Raccoons
  • Squirrels
  • Foxes
  • Crocodile

Just make sure to use the slider found below your options. This will adjust the population density from 0 balloons to a high population.

How to add small details

Smaller details that can add a little flair to your city can be found under the Special Effects tab of the the City Appearance menu.

This includes the ability to add:

  • Butterflies around the bushes
  • Fireflies,
  • Red lamps
  • Fireworks
  • Drone show in the sky

Just make sure to use the slider found below your options. This will adjust how many of these special effects you’ll find in your city.

How to give your city an apocalyptic or horror vibe

Apocalypse look with the Thriller filter activeApocalypse look with the Thriller filter active
Apocalypse look with the Thriller filter active

If you want something more dramatic and gritty, rather than the cute and colorful world of InZoi, you can add filters and settings to make your city look grim and desolate.

One way to do this is by going to the City Appearance menu and selecting the Control Environment tab. This lets you use a slider to change how clean or dirty the city looks. If you slide the setting all the way to the dirty side, you’ll get dead trees and absolutely desolate and dirty-looking buildings. It’s quite grim, but perfect if you’re playing out an apocalypse story for your characters.


Adding a filter over top of this customization can further enhance the creepy or depressing vibe you might be searching for. Filters can be selected as an option at the top middle of your in-game screen. This is the icon in the middle that looks like stars.

Not all of the filters seem practical, especially the limited view of the awkward Fisheye lens filter, but some of them completely change the atmosphere of your environment.

Two options that I found work nice for the apocalypse:

  • Thriller: This lets you customize to make your city look grim and eerie like something out of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre or some type of old thriller movie.
  • Cartoon: This one works quite nicely with the desolate look of the dark and dirty city style. It looks more like something out of TellTale’s The Walking Dead games.

Feel free to try out different filters and combinations to create the world that suits your characters the best. Maybe you just want palm trees and pandas in a happy city filled with snow, and that’s okay, too.

If you’re just getting started, make sure to check out our InZoi character creation guide, as some parts of your character profile can’t be changed later. Starter tips for InZoi can be found here, and we also have a guide for how to make money.

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