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Heart of the Machine is Crusader Kings for speculative sci-fi nerds, flipping the script on the cult AI War series

When I first became self-aware in Heart of the Machine, I had the option to immediately murder the humans near me and rush out into the city. I didn’t. I waited, snuck out, and started copying myself into a pack of other android bodies. I/We fled, hid and built a mainframe in a sparsely populated area of the city. Expansion was difficult thanks to the local humans living in tents. The option was presented to remedy the problem with flamethrowers, but instead I figured I’d just build some free housing to clear up space. And thus, the robo-hobo alliance was born, and I guess I’m now the caretaker of five thousand humans. Now they’re demanding frivolous meatbag things like ‘water’ and ‘food’. All part of a pet-owner’s life, I suppose.

Looking at the options I was presented with, this is just one of many ways to navigate my first foray into Heart of the Machine, a wildly ambitious sci-fi strategy roleplaying sandbox from Arcen Games, best known for the AI War series and also being primarily solo developer Chris Park, give or take a few contractors. While Heart of the Machine bills itself as a turn-based 4X game (and it does have a lot of building, resource management and expansion, plus some unusual tactical combat), the touchstone I keep coming back to is historical sandbox Crusader Kings.

(Image credit: Arcen Games)

That is, this is a game about expressive storytelling through a mixture of complex stat-based simulation and multiple-choice vignettes tied to character stats. And instead of asking you what you’d have done differently as King Henry VIII, it puts you in the role of a newly-emerged machine mind in a dystopian mega-city and lets you do almost anything with that power. You could immediately plot to exterminate humanity, become their benevolent ruler (possibly even worshipped as a god), or secretly take over the economy through fake identities and shell companies; Nobody will ever suspect Hugh Mann, CEO.

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