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Hearthstone Card Unveiled: If Adoring a Mystical Blue Owl is a Sin, I’ll Forever Stand Guilty.

It is to my not insubstantial regret that I didn’t get around to writing about how fun Hearthstone’s Starcraft crossover mini-set turned out. The Zerg cards really nailed the assignment when it came to being rage-inducing swarmy bastards, while the Terran faction also felt super-flavourful thanks to Jim Ryan launching weaponised starships like Elon Musk with a malfunctioning brain chip. Protoss I could take or leave, but two out of three Ws ain’t bad.

Happily, those cards are sticking around as we enter the Year of the Raptor, which also heralds Hearthstone annual refresh of the pool of expansions that are legal in the Standard game mode. The first new full expansion of 2025 is Into The Emerald Dream, which is out on 25 March, and I’ve got four Mage cards to reveal here today. Let’s start with the Legendary…


(Image credit: Blizzard)

One look at Q’onzu’s artwork and I know this is a card that will launch a hundred memes. You simply don’t put a magical blue owl in a jaunty headdress and necklace into your game and not expect a reaction. I won’t pretend to know Q’onzu’s context from WoW, other than to say that as far as I can it’s a Loa, which if you played the Rastakhan’s Rumble set you might remember is a kind of wild god. What I do know, and I’m showing my age here by saying it, is that 3/4 for 3 Mana is good for the cost, particularly when Q’onzu also comes with a high utility effect.

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