Right, you’ve clearly not had enough Helldivers 2 stuff to think about today, March 18, so you’ll be glad to hear that the latest Galactic War major order’s pretty simple. You’ve just got to choose between, er, fighting what sound like the Jet Brigade’s freshly formed fiery siblings, or actually doing something that might stop the Illuminate blowing up more planets.
Yeah, you might need the weapon buffs and upcoming cowboy Warbond Arrowhead revealed earlier today, especially if you want to avoid more planets ending up like Moradesh.
First of all, you’ll be glad to hear that the last HD2 MO was a success, with the community holding off what Arrowhead’s dubbed the “insectile Fascism” of the Terminids in order to facilitate the building of the “Penrose Energy Siphon”. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s basically a device that can combat the dark energy build-ups that’re powerring the Meridia black hole.
You know, the thing that the Illuminate have already used to destroy two planets, and have set on a course to blow up the Helldivers’ home planet of Super Earth. All that remains to halt the hole’s advance is to activate the siphon, which is one of the choices players could make in this latest order. Great. To do it, they’ll have to kill 1.25 billion Terminids. Easy.
There’s a wrinkle, through. Option two. “Automaton forces have landed on multiple planets in what appears to be a coordinated, large-scale, craven assault,” Arrowhead writes, “The forces are led by a series of new Automaton units wielding incendiary weapons. This unit has been termed the Incineration Corps.” Nice.
I’m sure folks will be able to handle dividing their attention and also trying to fend off attacks from some brand new and likely pretty tough bots armed with flamethrowers. Hey, if they can stop eight of those assaults, they’ll be able to complete the order the second way. Though, given this is Arrowhead switching the bots to fighting the way the Illuminate have – via sudden assaults players have struggled to counter – I have a feeling they’ll opt for the bug killing option.
Which option will you be fighting to complete first in this MO? Let us know below!
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