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Here’s a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth mod to make catching chocobos trivial

Naoki Hamaguchi, director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, has said, “As someone who plays games on PC, I sometimes use mods myself,” and added that “I see it as a positive thing myself.” Which is why I expect there to be absolutely no complaints about the coming influx of mods that make the more boring parts of Cloud’s Big Adventure easier to rush through on your way to the next game of Queen’s Blood.

Modder LordGregory is responsible for this one, Easy Chocobo Catch, which means you won’t have to replay any of the auto-fail stealth sequences where you sneak up on that region’s chocobo. Normally these are something you need to cross off your bottomless checklist of tasks before you can use a region’s Chocobo Stops as fast-travel points, and given that some chocobos have special traversal moves, may need to be completed before you can access parts of each map.

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