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Hideo Kojima essentially said “to hell with it” and created Metal Gear Stranding.

Towards the end of the new ten-minute (!) long trailer for Death Stranding 2, Hideo Kojima decides to throw the crowd some red meat. The footage has by this point established new character Neil, played by Italian actor Luca Marinelli, as what looks like Death Stranding 2’s version of Cliff (Mads Mikkelson): someone forced into dirty jobs who can’t let go of the past.

Then, as Neil begins to lead a small special forces unit of some kind, the camera focuses directly on the character’s face as he ties a bandana around his forehead. It’s a small detail but it’s an unmistakable one for longtime Kojima-fanciers: From the first Metal Gear Solid, the bandana has been an iconic part of the look for both Solid Snake and Big Boss.

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