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‘I feel extremely insulted by this’: Platinum removes most of its games from its website, erasing the last signs of life for Project GG

The website for PlatinumGames has undergone an unexpected change: A page that previously listed the studio’s game releases has been unceremoniously deleted, and with it some of the last remaining evidence of the Ultraman-inspired Project GG (via Eurogamer).

As archived versions of the Platinum site show, it used to have a page titled “Games,” listing 22 of the studio’s releases dating back to its founding in 2006. Today, trying to visit that same URL redirects you to the site’s homepage. In the Games page’s place, there’s now a page titled “Works,” listing just eight of those 22 games and the recently-announced Ninja Gaiden 4, which Platinum is developing in partnership with Team Ninja.

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