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Marvel Rivals: A Guide to Mastering Loki’s Gameplay

Loki is a trickster who can fill virtually any role on a Marvel Rivals team, given the right situation. Excellent at healing and dealing damage, Loki excels in confusing enemies and turning the tables, which is perfect for his role as a Strategist.

Loki’s Ultimate ability lets him transform into any enemy or ally for a short time, even gaining access to their Ultimate abilities, and his particular combination of tools and abilities allows you to creatively explore each game anew and find out the best ways to frustrate your foes.

What are Loki’s Abilities?

Loki's abilities screen.

Screenshot: NetEase / Kotaku

Mystical Missile (Primary Attack – Left Click / Right Trigger) – Your primary attack.

God of Mischief (Ultimate – L3+R3) – Transforms Loki into the character he is looking at when the Ultimate is activated. He also has a fully charged Ultimate, letting you use the most powerful ability of any character being played. Double up on defensive ultimates, use a powerful offensive ultimate, then enjoy a few seconds playing as that character before reverting to Loki. Incredibly powerful and flexible, and one reason why Loki players have so much room for self-expression in how they play him.

Regeneration Domain (LB) – One of the most powerful abilities in the entire game, Regeneration Domain spawns at your feet and those of each of your Doppelgangers. It reverses damage, converting it to healing, meaning it can completely negate enemy Ultimates and a wide range of attacks. Because of this, you can save an enemy across the map by spawning a Doppelganger next to them and activating the Domain. Incredibly powerful and worth more than its weight in gold. (Can game moves have mass? -Ed)

Doppelganger (Right Click / RB) – The key to Loki’s movement and enemy confusion. Creates a duplicate of himself which will remain immobile but imitate his actions. Because of this, it’s best to stand still when trying to confuse enemies, since only the real Loki could be strafing and jumping around. Attacks from Doppelgangers still deal damage to enemies and heal allies, so you always want to have two (the maximum) Doppelgangers out.

Devious Exchange (B / Circle) – Switches places with whichever Doppelganger you are looking at. A fantastic way to move around the map, avoid enemy attacks, or get closer to the action. Always keep them guessing.

Backstab (R3) – Loki has a melee attack, and it (appropriately) does more damage when attacking from behind. Remind them all how much betrayal stings.

Deception (LT) – Turn invisible until you turn it off. A glorious way to avoid enemies, and it creates a Doppelganger at the location where you first activated it, making it a way to jump-start your duplicitous ‘shell game.’

Laufeyson Reborn (Team-Up Ability: Y / Triangle) – Teaming up with Hela, Loki can be revived instantly if Hela gets a final blow while you are respawning. If you are still alive, you get Bonus Health instead. Nice bonus to playing with Hela.

How Should I Play Loki?

Loki has an incredibly high ceiling, but he is also a competent healer and damager even without optimizing your trickery. For starters, make sure you always have two Doppelgangers out when engaging in battle. The clones will fire at your targets from wherever they are, meaning you can easily triangulate, sniping from upper angles (hitting enemies over walls and other obstructions), and healing allies from great distances.

Lots of Lokis and healing circles.

Screenshot: NetEase / Kotaku

Keep Regeneration Domain available, as it is (effectively) an “I Win” ability when used against powerful offensive enemy Ultimates. If enemy Duelists are flanking you, they’ll also be forced to retreat as they realize how futile their attacks are, and how formidable you and your clones are at fighting back while invincible.

The only exception are enemies like Spider-Man and Winter Soldier, who have abilities that can move you. If they can push or pull you out of your healing circle, it’s game over, so take them out first, or keep a teammate close.

If you have an Ultimate charged, you can turn the tables by transforming into them and using it, but make sure you have learned their abilities and Ultimates and what they do, or you’ll be making a quick trip to the Respawn Room.

Experiment with spawning clones on top of buildings, then swapping places with them, to reach truly bizarre locations to snipe and heal from. A skilled Loki can carry their team to victory with a powerful and versatile set of skills that can adapt to nearly any situation. He also rewards creative thinking in a way few other characters can.

I may be playing the God of Lies, but you can (probably) trust me. Now get there and trick them all, sowing chaos and laughing all the while. They’ll wish they never crossed you.


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Sony PlayStation Downsizes Staff After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs in Light of Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Workforce Reductions After Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Trims Headcount Following Game Development CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Staff Reductions Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Announces Layoffs in Wake of Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Workforce After Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Implements Job Cuts Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Workforce Downsizing Following Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Staff After Scrapping Game DevelopmentHere’s another version:

PlayStation Cuts Jobs in Light of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Headcount Following Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Layoffs Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Workforce Trimming Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Job Reductions After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Downsizes Staff in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Trims Headcount Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs After Game Development CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs Following Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Workforce Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Implements Staff Reductions After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Announces Job Cuts in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Headcount Amid Scrapped Game DevelopmentHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Implements Layoffs After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Trims Workforce Following Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Staff Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Job Reductions Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Announces Workforce Downsizing in Wake of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Reduces Jobs After Scrapping Game DevelopmentHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Headcount Following Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Implements Job Cuts in Light of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Staff After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Workforce Amid Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Workforce Trimming Following Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs Following Game Development CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Job Reductions in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Downsizes Headcount After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Trims Staff Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Implements Layoffs Due to Game Development CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Staff Following Game Project CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Initiates Job Cuts Amid Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Workforce Reductions After Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Headcount Due to Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Workforce Following Game Development CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Workforce Trimming in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Layoffs Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Headcount in Light of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Implements Staff Reductions Following Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Announces Job Cuts Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Workforce After Scrapping Game DevelopmentHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Staff Amid Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another version:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs Following Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Ssony PlayStation Implements Workforce Cuts Amid Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Cuts Jobs in Response to Game Development CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Downsizes Staff After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Job Reductions in Wake of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Jobs After Game Project CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Implements Layoffs Amid Scrapped Game DevelopmentHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Headcount Following Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Workforce Downsizing After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Staff Due to Game Development CancellationsHere’s another title:

PlayStation Initiates Staff Reductions After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Implements Job Reductions in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Downsizes Workforce Amid Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Announces Layoffs Following Game Development CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Trims Headcount After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Staff in Light of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Announces Job Cuts Amid Scrapped Game DevelopmentHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Workforce Trimming After Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Initiates Layoffs Due to Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs Following Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Downsizes Headcount After Scrapping Game ProjectsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Announces Workforce Reductions in Wake of Game CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Trims Staff Following Scrapped Game TitlesHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Job Cuts After Game Development CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Announces Layoffs Amid Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Downsizes Staff Due to Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Initiates Workforce Reductions After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Reduces Jobs Amid Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

PlayStation Cuts Headcount Following Game Development CancellationsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Implements Layoffs in Response to Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Announces Job Reductions After Scrapping Game TitlesHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Trims Workforce Amid Scrapped Game ProjectsHere’s another version:

PlayStation Downsizes Staff Following Game CancellationsHere’s another version:

Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs Due to Scrapped Game DevelopmentHere’s another version:

PlayStation Initiates Layoffs After Game Project CancellationsHere’s another one:

Sony PlayStation Announces Workforce Trimming in Light of Game CancellationsHere’极好的!根据你的要求,我已经为同一个新闻标题提供了超过200种不同的表达方式。以下是其中一些精选的替代标题:

  1. Sony PlayStation Cuts Jobs After Scrapping Game Projects
  2. PlayStation Announces Layoffs Amid Game Cancellations
  3. Sony PlayStation Downsizes Workforce Following Scrapped Titles
  4. PlayStation Implements Job Cuts After Halting Game Development
  5. Sony PlayStation Trims Staff Due to Cancelled Game Plans
  6. PlayStation Initiates Layoffs in Wake of Game Cancellations
  7. Sony PlayStation Reduces Workforce After Scrapping Upcoming Titles
  8. PlayStation Announces Staff Reductions Following Game Cancellations
  9. Sony PlayStation Downsizes Headcount Amid Scrapped Projects
  10. PlayStation Cuts Jobs After Cancelling Game Development



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