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Obsidian says it won’t chase huge profits or grow aggressively, and that’s how it’s going to last 100 years in the RPG business: ‘Are we serious? Yes’

In a talk at this week’s D.I.C.E. Summit, an industry conference whose theme this year is sustainability, Obsidian Entertainment VP of operations Marcus Morgan and VP of development Justin Britch said they want the Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Avowed studio to make it to its 100th birthday. Obsidian is 22 years old now, so that’s 78 to go, and the VPs think it can get there by staying lean, holding onto talent, setting realistic sales expectations, and not going all-in on delivering huge profits.

Obsidian’s 100-year plan isn’t—and I hope this isn’t too disappointing—a decade-by-decade breakdown of future projects that ends somewhere around Fallout: Old Vegas (I’m assuming that pre-apocalyptic settings are popular in 2103). It’s more of a thought exercise, but Morgan and Britch said that they genuinely want Obsidian to continue beyond their lifespans. “Are we serious? … Yes,” said Morgan. And why not? Nintendo was founded in 1889.

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